Best Gastroenterologist Services in Mumbai by Dr Rishabh Jain Best Gastroenterologist in Navi Mumbai

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What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea refers to loose, watery stools and a feeling that you urgently need to use the restroom. This can last for a few days, or become a regular problem if you suffer from certain chronic conditions. Everyone has diarrhea occasionally, but it can be a sign of a number of health problems as well, especially when it’s severe, long-lasting, or both.
If you have diarrhea, you’ll likely experience:
Diarrhea can also follow a period of constipation, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, sometimes other factors like eating certain foods or traveling to a new place with new bacteria can cause diarrhea, especially in people with gastrointestinal conditions like IBS.

When should I see a doctor about diarrhea?

There are a number of ways to know if your diarrhea is just a passing problem or something more serious. Schedule a visit to see a physician if you:
Diarrhea isn’t usually dangerous, but dehydration can be very serious, so if notice signs of dehydration it’s much more urgent that you seek medical attention.

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